Here at, we love hearing y'alls so sweet love stories. Kerri messaged us on Facebook about her husband Sebastian, who she met on FarmersOnly. They just got married last week!
What towns/states are y'all from?We are both from a small town called Marmaduke, Arkansas. We had just never met because he is 13 years older an is also on the river half the year working as a river boat captain.
What did you do on your first date?After we had talked for several months we decided to meet up for lunch. It went so good we left the next week for Eureka Springs, Arkansas for a vacation.
When did you know that he was the one?I think we both pretty much knew from the get go we wanted to be together.
What is your favorite thing about him?My favorite thing about him is the fact that he loves my daughter and would do anything for her.
Congratulations on your marriage Kerri and Sebastian! We wish you love, and happiness, for all the rest of your days!